Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fresh Strawberry Cake

I went to high school prom for the fourth time last night--this time as a teacher! I am a junior class sponsor so I spent all day decorating and setting up, and my wonderful hubby helped out too. He spent all afternoon hanging snowflakes from the ceiling--what an amazing guy! I am so lucky!

The prom was so fun and the kids had a blast. :) We took home some left over strawberries so I decided to make a strawberry cake to thank my husband for all his help. The strawberry jello and fresh strawberries made the batter so beautiful!

I frosted the cake with homemade cream cheese icing with crushed strawberries and sliced some strawberries on top.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lemon Cake

In honor of the spring weather we have had this week, I decided to make a bright, cheerful cake. I found a recipe for a tender lemon cake on Martha Stewart's website. My favorite part of making the batter was zesting the lemon!

I iced the cake with lemon and buttercream icing and attempted to create a ruffle effect. This cake tasted delicious--thanks Martha Stewart!